Basics of Academic Information Literacy
開講時期 | 2024年度 前期集中 |
担当教員 | 国際高等教育院 教授 喜多 一 附属図書館 准教授 北村 由美 国際高等教育院 特定准教授 FLANAGAN Brendan 学術情報メディアセンター 教授 緒方 広明 |
授業情報 | (群) 院共通 (分野(分類)) 情報テクノサイエンス (使用言語) 英語 (単位数) 0.5単位 (時間数)30 時間 (週コマ数) 1コマ (授業形態) 講義 (開講年度・開講期) 2024・前期集中 (配当学年) 大学院生 (対象学生) 全学向 (曜時限) 集中 未定 (教室) オンライン |
授業の概要・目的 |
The purpose of this course is to obtain the basic knowledge and academic skills to prepare yourself in conducting research activities as a graduate student. The contents of the course include: 1) library instruction to develop search skills online and offline, 2) campus information services and their adequate use, 3) practical issues on information network and computers in relation to the campus information system, and 4) information security and ethics. |
到達目標 |
Students learn the effective search skills of library collection and how to utilize the academic information for their studies, as well as the manners and ethics when publishing his/her works as academic papers. Students acquire basic knowledge in utilizing computers, LAN and internet for academic studies. Students know campus information services such as KUINS and can use them adequately in his/her laboratory. Students know and can practice the rules to follow in using computers and networks for academic activities in the university recognizing issues in information security and ethics. |
授業計画と内容 |
Course is given as an intensive course of four class hours. It treats the following topics: |
履修要件 | 特になし |